There are certainly some icky aspects to his year thus far; he needs to bring his foul rate back down to earth, and it'd be nice if he hit one free throw. But if you walk through these numbers, you'll see that in most respects, he's been the same old Beans: same scoring efficiency, same defensive production, same (actually better) passing numbers. His Offensive and Defensive Ratings are the exact same that they were last year.
There are three big differences in Biedrins's production between last year and this:
1) He's shooting from the field much less often.
2) He's getting to the line much less often.
3) He's grabbing many fewer offensive rebounds.
All three of these changes point to the same thing: Biedrins has not yet been incorporated back into our offense. If he's gotten the ball in the post, it's essentially been by accident, and we haven't even seen many of the screen-and-rolls he excels at. Nellie's mainly had Biedrins setting picks for our guards on the perimeter, which means fewer dishes for dunks, fewer offensive boards, fewer putbacks.
Many fans have been saying Biedrins must be playing so badly because he's hurt or high or uninterested. The truth is, he's not playing badly; he's just not being used offensively. And while he's looked clumsy and defensively overmatched at times, people seem to forget, that's just of kind of how the guy rolls. It doesn't always look pretty, but the net results are good.
So stop worrying about Andris Biedrins. He's fine, and his numbers will return to their normal levels once his coach and teammates remember how useful he can be down low.
Nice comparison and great point of view.
there's no doubt that we gonna see the same ol Beans - beastin beneath both baskets!!
We'd better. This team could use a scoring presence down low, and a guy who's shot 60% for his career should fit the bill. Here's hoping Nellie takes advantage of his presence.
Anti-Biedrins hype now = Anti-Monta hype before.
Sounds about right, sadly.
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